NFL Concussion Lawsuit Settlements

Former Players Appealing NFL Settlement Because it Excludes CTE

A recent article in U.S. News & World Report stated that some former NFL players are asking a federal appeals court to reject the NFL’s concussion settlement agreement because the deal does not include payments to players who suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Former players appealing the settlement argue that it only compensates a few neurological conditions and not the depression and mood disorders that have been linked to CTE. Lawyers for these players are hoping to unearth more evidence regarding what the NFL knew about CTE and when. A ruling is expected on the appeal in early 2016.

Click to learn more about the NFL concussion settlement.

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League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis

Frontline has done an excellent job documenting the NFL concussion problem. In its series “League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis”, reporters spoke to former players, families of former players, activists, and the doctors who are doing the research into CTE and its effect on former NFL players.

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Appeals delay payout of NFL concussion settlement

Out of the thousands of former NFL players involved in the concussion lawsuit, about 90 have chosen to appeal a federal judge’s approval of a settlement agreement which would pay ex-NFL players millions of dollars for injuries related to concussions they received during their playing days.

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