The Claim Filing Process
An asbestos injury trust claimant will submit a claim and any necessary supporting documents electronically or manually. The claim will then enter the trust’s claims processing system and will be handled in the order received. From there the claim is reviewed by the trustee and its claims processing center. At this point the claim is either considered deficient or not. If a claim is considered deficient, it will be sent back to the claimant asking for additional evidence or information. It is then the responsibility of the claimant to obtain the information the trust is seeking. If the claimant is unable to locate or provide the information requested, the claim is in danger of being denied. This is just one of many points along the claim filing process where it will be beneficial to have a Kyros Law Group asbestos attorney working for you. Our attorneys can help you locate the necessary information or at least help you understand what additional information the trust may be seeking to get your claim back on track.
If a claim is not deficient the trust will send the client a release from liability along with an offer to settle. This is the next point where it will be beneficial to have a Kyros Law Group asbestos attorney working for you. Our asbestos attorneys have decades of experience and can determine whether or not the settlement offer is fair to you. They will explain the offer as well as what signing a release would mean going forward. The asbestos trust has years of experience on its side, you should have the same protection afforded to you. Our attorneys will make sure your interests are represented in deciding whether or not to accept the offer.
If the claimant does not accept the offer, the claim will likely go to some form of alternative dispute resolution such as mediation or arbitration. At this point it will be important for you to be represented by an attorney. Kyros Law Group attorneys have a wealth of experience in negotiating on behalf of clients and will fight hard to get you what you deserve.
If no settlement can be reached by this point, the claimant can file suit against the trust. Our attorneys can guide you through the whole process. Let our experience work for you. You will not have to travel anywhere and there will be no upfront costs. Our asbestos attorneys are ready to fight for you.
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